Top Apps For Deer Hunting

Trying to shoot a big buck? There's an app for that.

These apps and products will increase your success in the field this year. We have laid it all out with the timeline of your hunting process in mind, so you can use these great tips to help you as you go.

Find new hunting property

Apps such as onX HUNT can help you find new property to explore while giving you the information you need to contact landowners and find property boundaries.Use this app to find your local public ground or start a new relationship with a land owner. You will never find yourself on the wrong side of the fence with the defined borders and your current location marked on the map.

Now that you have acquired a property for this season, it's time to start scouting. These next innovations can take the use of your phone to the next level.


Hang 'em and bang 'em

Hang your cameras and let them sit. When you are ready to go check your cameras  you do not need to carry your laptop with you like the old days.

The BoneView SD Card Reader lets you view your game camera photos on

View Trail Camera Photos on Your Phone with BoneView app

your phone and makes for an ideal set up to grab your cards on the way to the stand. Use this for scouting, and devising your strategy to bag your hit list trophy this year. During the rut when all is crazy, you can use MRI (most recent information) to make crucial game time decisions on stand selection. It may be the extra boost you need to make this year your booner year.



Mark stands and check the wind

After your hit list board is full and you have patterned your deer movement on

the farm, it is time to hang some stands. The antler insanity app  lets you use GPS to mark your stands. You name your stands and farms for easy recognition and you can check the current wind direction (displayed by a big arrow over the map)  in a satellite view of your stand, giving you the maximum advantage for choosing enter/exit strategies and selecting stands to hunt for the day. It is great for pulling up when you're at work or in the morning before you head out and lets you adjust on the fly with confidence.

After you have done all of the prep and scout work for your hunting property you need to gear up for the highlight of the season! The actual hunt.


Record your season

The Fighting Squirrel bow mount is an awesome tool for filming your hunt. Don’t just stop there, here are a few more advantages and reasons you should pick up one of these bow mounts. Even if you are not going to edit and create a film with your footage, you can still use it to record  the shot placement on your trophy. Believe me, it  is worth the peace of mind when determining how long to wait  to retrieve your deer. I know from experience that sometimes you think you saw a great shot but in the intensity of the moment you see wrong and end up tracking a long blood trail with  the end result not being a positive one . The footage of where your arrow struck the deer and the angle of the entry and exit wound is the most crucial information when determining how long to let him sit before you go after the deer. It can end up being the key factor in recovering your trophy. The bow mount is not only a great tool to use for hunting, but also for practice. Turning the video around when shooting can help you fix shooting errors and make sure you are consistently at the same anchor point. This will help you have confidence when there is a monster broadside tearing up a mock scrape at twenty yards.

Right Time, Right Place

Now that you are ready to defeat Goliath, there is one more even bigger foe that most people forget about, the calendar. Many of us can not get out of work for a full week when the woods are starting to get hot. We have only a few sits in a season during prime time so it is very important to maximize the potential and capitalize on each one. Here is how you make sure your odds are in your favor when you plan your time in the stand.

Use a solar lunar table app to plan your hunts and time off accordingly, you can also use your favorite weather app to determine what day you must be in the stand. When we get a handful of chances a season to get into the woods it is always the best practice to increase your odds and confidence in every hunt you go on.

The few things that separate a good hunter, from a great one is the ability to learn from past experiences and apply that to the next hunt.

Remember, Recognize, React

The Quiver app can help you track your hunts and document your encounters. It allows you to mark the exact time you see deer or take a shot. It will ultimately give you a chance to learn from your hunts and make great decisions in stand selection. Track key events from the stand in just a few taps. You can log when you see a deer in order to track where and when deer are moving,  add custom field notes to remember important events, and mark when a shot was taken so that you can reference that specific point in time.

Download The Quiver App
or Go to their site: Quiver Hunting App Website

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